Knight Hoops AKA "basketball chess"

Check it out, this is totally not our typical thing, but we love this game and there is no reason for us to not just send it. ALL GAS NO BREAKS!! 


This game is chess for beginners. It is a great teaching tool for anyone interested in chess. It's also good for any chess enthusiasts who wants to switch things up and change their perspective on a classic game.


Let me give you the basics.

1- You start with six players on your side of the board with sets of two pieces side by side with one empty space between the sets of two pieces.

2- The two center pieces one of which will hold the basketball to start.

3- The holder of the ball cannot move at all until after they pass the ball either straight or diagonal. ANY HOLDER of the ball at any time cannot move UNTIL after it gets ride of the ball to another Knight on the same team.

4- During your turn you can either pass the ball or move a knight. You cannot do both during your turn.

5- Passing the ball can only happen with straight or diagonal passes from your Knight to another of your Knights

6- Your knights can only move in the same manor as a knight in chess. An L shape in any direction.  

7- Blocking AKA "defense" During your turn you can move into a position that will land you between your opponent's ball holder and one of their open knights... Your opponent cannot pass their ball through your knight's interruption whether diagonal, vertical, or horizontal.

8- You win by getting your ball to your opponent's starting row, anywhere on their starting line. One of your knights must be on your opponent's starting line holding the ball to win... That is redundant for the sake of clarity.